March 18, 2020
Corona, Coronavirus, COVID-19, face masks, protective masks, quarantine, sanitizer, isolation; well that’s what most of us have been hearing for so many days now. Novel Coronavirus which originated in China, doesn’t seem to be slowing down. With Europe being the hotspot now, the western media is baffled for now by one thing that is how come India has such low percentage of the affected people! Remember, India is the country which has second largest population, after China! I have my doubts about this as well as has been reported by some media outlets that we are not being able to detect it or let’s say we can not find people infected with Coronavirus. Out of fear, people are not coming forward to get themselves tested when they have the symptoms of Coronavirus. I just read that in Ludhiana city of Punjab, India, 167 people suspected to have Coronavirus infection have gone missing! I don’t know if they are thinking that they don’t have Coronavirus or they really believe that it doesn’t make any difference and they would get well on their own but one thing is sure that by doing this they are increasing the chances of spreading the Coronavirus infection! Please do not do that people and get yourself treated!

Frankly speaking, I am still unsure about what exactly is happening as actual ground reality and what recent future brings us is unknown. The best advice if I have to give anyone is that one should not clutter one’s mind with all the stuff circulating around on Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, news portals, news channels etc.

Be sensible, refer to World Health Organization (WHO) website for the latest and accurate information on Coronavirus that leads to COVID-19 disease. You may easily access it right now by clicking the following link: WHO Website If you are an Indian you may access Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare website which has the required and accurate information about the subject. Click the following link to access the website: Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare website

Do get the latest information regarding Coronavirus from online reliable sources for a limited number of times in a day (preferably twice a day, I know its hard), unless you are into a job that requires you to stay updated more often, e.g. media/press personnel. Secondly, inducing positive thoughts in your mind and its visualization, does change how your mind acts and this theory does work.

Everyday, I wake up and get hold of my cellphone with a hope of reading the news that a definitive cure for the Novel Coronavirus infection has been found. The day is not far. Or is it?

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